Telephones to the Future

 If you have ever used a landline telephone, then you know that it can be difficult to operate. The fact is that antiquated technology still has a place in today's world - but will it still exist in the future?

How do phones work?

Today, we all carry around some type of cell phone, whether it's a smartphone or a basic flip phone. What you may not know is how each of these phones actually works. The answer is a little complex: cell phones use radio waves to send and receive signals throughout their coverage area.

Phone History

Smartphones have come a long way since their inception as early as 1876. Early phones and landlines were really tinkering with the idea of having an interconnected telephone system. Some people only had to step outside their homes to make a phone call, which was a huge advancement for those without access to a phone or landline in their homes. It's crazy to think about how far we've come in just over 100 years!

Old Phones

Old phones do not make a sound by themselves. If you want to get your phone to ring, you have to take the battery out and plug it in again. This has become more of a hassle than anything else because many people are now using their smartphones as their primary communications device. However, one thing that did not change was how hard it is to use an old-style phone when they are broken or lost.


Smartphones have changed society. Smartphones have also changed people's perception of time. People are so focused on what they are doing that they don't realize how much time is slipping by. People use their phones to be more productive and efficient, but they aren't being productive in the right ways. Smartphone usage isn't the best for your health because it makes you addicted to always being connected and feeling needed all the time.


Telephones to the Future is a blog that discusses how technology is impacting society today. One of the main points they make in the article "The Future of Phone Screens" is that screens are no longer just for looking at things, but can also be used as virtual keyboards and monitors. The article talks about what these changes might mean for our future lifestyle, but also provides some good tips on how to protect your device from breakage and other potential damages.



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