How to clean your face naturally?

How to clean your face naturally When it comes to protecting your skin from dirt and debris build-up, the first thing that you will use is a hydrating face wash or tea tree foaming face wash , or a cleanser from your favorite brand. But have you thought of cleaning your face naturally? Well, all you need to do is use some of the natural ingredients to take care of your skin, and you can get rid of the dirt from your face without dealing with the roughness or the chemicals of a soap. Here is how you can keep your face naturally clean and beautiful: Pick coconut oil as it is a great choice for your skin The coconut oil can act as a natural makeup remover for your skin which can give your face a very cleansed effect that you can use regularly. Coconut oil serves to be an excellent source of lauric acid, which has plenty of moisturizing properties. Take a few drops in a cotton ball and apply it thoroughly on your face to get rid of the makeup. It will easily remove any of the...