Debunking The 8 Common Myths About BIM

 Building Information Modeling (BIM) has contributed a lot to the digital transformation of the construction industry.

BIM coordination services have provided vital solutions to AEC professionals that involve creating an intelligent 3D model and facilitating document management, coordination, and recreation through the entire lifecycle of a project. BIM has transformed project estimation, quality control issues, scheduling, and BIM outsourcing services.

While leading countries are adopting BIM to streamline different processes of construction successfully and have been benefited efficiently but most people are hesitant to BIM modeling services due to the following myths:

1. BIM is An Advanced 3D Model

Most people consider BIM as a 3D design and look at it just as a visual appearance of the design of the building while BIM is one of the most evident designs of the building that assists in producing digital datasets with graphical and non-graphical sequences.

2. BIM Is Costly

Whenever there is a shift in working processes with a representation of accurate data it involves upfront costs. Adopting this change fetches long term efficiency and benefits are enormous but most people believe that BIM is an expensive affair and averse to implementing BIM.

3. BIM Affects Productivity

There is a misunderstanding that BIM delays efficiency thereby affecting the productivity of the construction process. But BIM not only drives you to greater efficiency by streamlining processes but pays off the investment provided you plan investment resources and a due course of time is given with patience. 

4. BIM is Designed For Big Projects

Adding to myths about BIM is that it is a fit only for big and complex projects which does not stand true. Although big projects are vigorous and complex every project will likely remain the same and BIM undoubtedly increases efficiency in design cost calculations and evaluating project cost, and regardless of the size of project BIM adds value to it.

5. BIM Is Complicated

Any change in implementing a new system requires proper training and education and once we are thorough in implementing it, complexities are simplified and positive changes are evident.
Similarly, proper training is available online with courses and tutorials and BIM also provides regular training, support, and monthly updates to simplify everything.  So the myth that BIM is complicated does not stand true but needs proper training and education.

6. BIM Is Simply A Craze

BIM is not a craze but has contributed significantly to coordinating design, eliminating waste, saving costs, and working collaboratively. Countries across the globe have adapted to BIM and have been influenced by the competitive edge and potential efficiency of BIM.

7. BIM Is Meant Only For Designing & Construction

This is a false impression because BIM helps at all the stages of designing, construction, and facility management and is also useful in retrofits, renovation, refurbishing, and demolition. BIM has provided a wider scope of its usage and has contributed significantly in multiple ways.

8. BIM Execution Needs  a New Team

Organizations can impart new skills and training to their existing project managers, engineers, and team members to get BIM implemented through them and there is no need to procure new teams. Many companies have successfully implemented BIM through training their existing team and streamlined the project workflow.

Wrapping it up!

Change is the soul of every organization and must be welcome for progressing further without any hesitation.

It is vital to come out of the misconceptions that become a hurdle for implementing BIM modeling services and an organization must always see the advantages they achieve by implementing BIM services rather than the misconceptions that lead them to hinder their growth.


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